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Loreto Day 2018

By Lara Al Amri, year 11

This year’s Loreto day cause is House of Welcome. They welcome, shelter and empower refugees and asylum seekers by providing holistic support that promotes hope and self-reliance, advocates for justice and acknowledges each individual’s dignity and rights. House of Welcome only has 9 staff members and 100 volunteers, they rely on community support and they receive no government funding. Every year House of Welcome supports over 300 people, with 90 being safely housed each night, they also provide basic needs for refugees and asylum seekers.

For the past term year 11 girls have been going through the entire school selling colourful (and sustainable) beads. In the lead up to Loreto day, a different colour bead was introduced so that by the end a rainbow of colour would reflect our coming together as a school to show our support for this great cause. We started off with Red, then white, pink and now in our last week we are selling our blue beads. This is the second year of Normo girls selling beads instead of badges and the reason behind that is to be more ecologically sustainable. This year we are trying harder to be more ecologically friendly and we are doing that by encouraging everyone to bring in their own plates and cutlery on Loreto day! Another way we as a cohort are being more sustainable is by not printing off Loreto day shirts to cut out the fast fashion from our school. This Loreto day is going to be so exciting and filled with lots of fun! We will have a mix of old and new stalls so keep your eye out for them and don’t forget to bring in lots of coins for the donations during the concert.


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