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Primary School Leaders Interview

By Elina Degani and Rose Cunningham

Semester 1 Leaders. From left to right: Lucy McKenna (School Leader), Grace Drake and Zara Wilson (Benedicta leaders), Christiana Vella and Aoife Berry (Dorothea leaders) Ivy Hain (Clare Leader) and Sofia Palermo (School Leader). Absent: Emily Paterson (Clare Leader).

Hello! We welcome you to the first primary article of the year.

We interviewed some of the current and previous primary leaders to see what they think about leadership and the experiences they’ve had.

Semester 1 2019 Primary Leaders:

What was the best experience from being a leader?

The best experience from being a leader was getting to know more people through being a leader. Before I got the role of leader, I didn’t really know the people I was working with but now, after two terms, my bond with them has grown so much and it’s created friendships that will last forever. - Ivy Hain, Clare House Leader

What would you tell the future leaders?

I would tell the semester two leaders to not be shy and go out of their comfort zone once in a while. I would tell them to have faith in themselves and to always stay calm, because no matter how angry or stressed you may feel, you should just put a smile on your face and carry on! - Christiana Vella, Dorothea House Leader

What did you find the hardest thing about being a leader?

The most difficult thing for me about being a leader was having to organise things with little to no notice beforehand. So usually, I need to be proactive and organised so I get everything finished on time. - Ivy Hain, Clare House Leader

If you could go back, what would you do differently about being leader?

If I were to go back, I would make sure to be more firm with what I say, even if it’s my friends that I’m talking to. I would have a chat with them and kindly ask them to stop, instead of picking favourites with my friends. - Christiana Vella, Dorothea House Leader

Semester 2 leaders:

What are you most excited for with your new role?

I’m most excited about leading house carnivals and helping everyone get into the spirit of their house. From my past experiences, house carnivals are extremely enjoyable events where everyone has gone beyond limits and have really tried their best to dress up in their house colour and cheer as loud as they can! I’m really looking forward to taking part in organising events like that. - Stephanie Wilkins, Dorothea House Leader

What are you going to do differently from last semester?

I’m definitely going to try to get the primary girls more involved in decision making and what’s happening within the leadership group. I want everyone to have their say in what’s going on. - Amy Bourke, School Leader

What’s favourite part about house carnivals?

It’s certainly a difficult question, as the whole day of the carnival was amazing. But, I think that my favourite part of the house carnivals was seeing everyone cheer for their house. As much as my throat and ears started to hurt, it was definitely worth all of the screaming and shouting. In addition, the amount of house colours that lit up the field was definitely a sight to see. Girls were wearing tutus, giant sunglasses, wigs and even had drawn zinc all over their faces. This comes to show how proud Loreto girls are about their houses, and it makes all the leaders so happy to see that our hard work has paid off. - Elina Degani, Dorothea House Leader

What do you think is going to be difficult about being a leader?

I think it’s going to be difficult balancing my day-to-day tasks on top of my leadership responsibilities. But to be able to do all of those tasks successfully I will need to spread them out across my week and make sure that I’m prepared to complete them. - Indiana Thom, Clare House Leader

Why did you apply for a leadership role?

I applied to become a leader because I really wanted to make a difference in the primary school. I had the urge to make it better for all primary girls and also for the future Loreto girls. - Amy Bourke, School Leader

Thank you so much for reading! Hopefully you have learnt a bit more about the primary school 2019 leaders. Also, a special thank you to the leaders who let us interview them, we couldn’t have done it without you!


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