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A Letter to the Year 12’s of 2019

By Hallebeth Jones

“You’re off to great places, Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So…get on your way! - Dr Seuss

To the Year 12’s of 2019,

Congratulations on finishing 13 years of schooling- it must have seemed like a lifetime. We hope that you will enjoy the exciting challenge of life outside of school- Just know that you will all be missed. Even if we are not far behind you, each member of the class of 2019 has been such an inspiring role model for the younger years of Loreto Normanhurst. We know that when you graduate you will remain true to the Loreto values, never failing to live with sincerity. Just remember that you will always have your Loreto family cheering you on.

Here are some valuable reminders that I hope you will think of after leaving school;

1.You shouldn’t stop but speed up learning outside the classroom.

2.You won’t necessarily be rewarded for following the rules anymore, because the world needs innovative thinkers, so remember to help forge new paths.

3.There is no single path to success. You are no longer assessed by one standard, so find a road and journey that suits you.

4.No single person or book can give you a definite answers to your life problems. Have your own thoughts, use both your head and your heart, and embrace the habit of challenging what is said.

5.Vacation shouldn’t be the only thing you long for. If you do, that means you won’t live in the moment. Remember to cherish each day.

6.Learning shouldn’t be only for career success. It's more about making you a better person and giving you the ability to help others.

7.You are not the only one who cares about your success. Surround yourself with good people to guide you. But, don’t forget to seek discomfort and push yourself.

Thank you all for being a part of our community and for the way that all of you have contributed to life at Normo. We have all loved listening to the tips you give us about life and school during tutor times, and for the many occasions that you have all burst out laughing in assembly. We thank you for being your bright, happy selves. You may not notice year twelves, but the girls all look up to you, and it puts a smile on our faces when we hear you belt out Cruci during every Wednesday assembly.

Enjoy the adventure of your adult life. Try not to miss us too much, but I am sure life is much too exciting to ponder any great deal about your high school years. Just know that you are fully equipped with the skills and set of values to face the world head-on. We will miss you and would love you to come back and visit from time to time.

Congrats on your graduation,

From your Loreto sisters.


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