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Note from the Editors:

Welcome EVERYONE to A Word After A Word Is Power, our Loreto Day-focused edition of The Mary Word!

Every year, this long-standing tradition of excitement, stalls, and concerts is run by Year 11 to raise money for an important cause.  In this Year of Sincerity, the Loreto Day cause is the Loreto Shiksha Sadan Development Centre in Nepal, as we Loreto girls come together with our sisters worldwide.

            While we make our paths forward,

     many vulnerable women await a predestined future.  Thus,  we want to show the world that we will use our ability to write and spread ideas to support others in need.  Reflected in the cover art, social justice articles, and more, we wish all of us to understand the struggles of innocents, especially women.  Hopefully, in response, we can collectively affect positive change in our common home.

From, The Mary Word  Team

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