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Meet the Primary School

By Luci, Amelia, Sasha, Carissa and Isla

There have been some updates on the primary school during the school holidays. We have added a set of lockers to the Benedicta area, we have moved the house points board next to the billboard and there are temporary signs around the school to show where to line up for after school.

A new year, a new set of leaders! Our primary school student leaders include Daisy Manassen and Portia Rowland-Stefanic. The Benedicta house leaders are; Lucinda Durston and Sasha Buchanan. The Clare house leaders are; Juliet De Zotti and Gabriella Connell. The Dorothea house leaders are; Alyssa Blackman and Porsha Gill. The leaders were all given their badges at the year six leadership liturgy on the 10 of February. We will then change leaders at the end of semester one. We know that they will be the best leaders they can possibly be!

In this term, there are three different IPSHA Saturday sports. These include soccer, water polo and flipper ball. Soccer is available to both year 5 and 6, but water polo is only being played by year 6s and flipper ball is only played by the year 5s. For water polo and flipper ball, there is only one team. Soccer, on the other hand, has 3 Teams in year 6 and 2 teams in year 5.

The difference between water polo and flipper ball isn’t too drastic. Flipper ball allows you to hold the ball with two hands, and you’re allowed to touch the bottom of the pool, unlike in water polo.

Soccer is more popular in the primary, as it is being played by more students. It’s the most popular sport in the world, and most people know how to play it, so it’s a good starting sport for the new year 5s and the year 6s.

From Wednesday to Friday in week 5, the primary school went to the Aussie bush camp up at the tea gardens. It challenged multiple people, mentally and physically. Many girls had to face their fears when it came to conquering challenges such as the 15-metre power fan and the giant swing, and in these activities, we learned that we had to trust in the equipment and instructors to be able to do the activities and have fun.

One of the most loved and most hated activities was lost island (or the mud run). At the end of the run the winners - who were the muddiest - were: Amelie Johnson, Annie Goodall, Kate Fox-Smith and Amelia Moyes.

By the end of the week, everyone was exhausted, but it was worth it as we all had a great time and cherished every moment of it.


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