By Kaitlin Pauly ,Year 12
For those of you who were avid viewers to Australia’s first season of ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ then you would know of the couples who went the distant and those who didn’t quite make the cut. The finale has us love seeking fans quite satisfied with couples expressing their adoration for one another, many of them happier and to top it off a proposal. But for those of you who did not commit to the journey of finding love then here is an insight into where these couples are now.
Grant and Ali
A couple who appeared to be one of the strongest since first meeting confirmed after the show that they are no longer together. Grant being from America and Ali being Australian already knew they faced difficulties when they would eventually have to leave paradise however Ali did make an extreme commitment by moving to America for this relationship. There are many controversial stories as to why the couple split, some which insinuate that Ali became uncomfortable with what Grant was requiring from their relationship and the stress of moving pushed her to break it off. But hope isn’t lost for Ali just yet as she was announced as the 2018 Bachelorette. Do I think it was the best choice? Not really. But I’m not the network so there is not much I can do. Wishing her the best though.
Jake and Megan
These two did not leave Paradise in a way that made Australia believe these two would come back together. However, Megan did confirm a couple weeks after the shows finale had aired that the two were indeed back together and going strong. She also stated that each other had been introduced to respective family member who accepted their relationship warmly. They appear to be taking time travelling together and enjoying some time together going on exotic adventures. One of the most unexpected couples but definitely one of the most loved up pairs.

Kiera and Jarrod
Bet you never thought this pair would make the couples list at the finale. But they defied everything, and by everything I mean Kiera’s indecisiveness around whether she wanted to be with Jarrod or not. The most on again off again couple of the series, by far. After paradise this relationship truly blossomed and they have not let the public doubt whether they are still together with consistent social media updates of their relationship. In an interview the couple revealed that Kiera had moved to Victoria to be with Jarrod and the two are living happily together on his vineyard.

Yes, they are engaged after Sam popped the magical question during the finale to which Tara agreed and I cried. Watching the progression of this relationship from acquaintance to friend to love interest to couple was one of the more natural and slow burning relationships of the show. As a viewer it was nice to watch the two of them grow together on the show having a genuine care and adoration for one another. Both have been extremely happy since leaving paradise as they look forward to their future together. No date has been confirmed for the Bachie wedding but I’m sure that they will let their followers know. I myself am interested as to whether any other contestants are going to make the guest list.
